“Pain nourishes courage. You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you.”                                                                                           — Mary Tyler Moore


needle adrenaline GIF

Of course this one liner is part of a longer quote….but I wanted to be true to the one part of the #1LinerWeds.  And it’s probably not eve the proper context, but I like it. Also, I’ve had a long day of travelling just so I could endure a first-time visit at the pain clinic where I was able to experience the fun times of 12 needles injected in to different parts of my back. Then travel another two hours home. Because, why not? Or rather, because I’ll try anything short of voting for a Trump to help deal with this unregiftable-gift that keeps on giving. No, not herpes. (Still dodged that bullet from my younger days!) So, that’s all I got in me for today.

Who says your forties are boring!?

cat pain GIF

Happy Hump Day people.

Thanks to Linda G. Hill 🙂